About We Are Fish

A company with an unusual name, interesting logo and a passion for helping small businesses and neurodiverse entrepreneurs.

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We Are Fish, Inc. was founded by Kim Vigsbo in 2015.

Kim Vigsbo

Kim Vigsbo

Born in Denmark, Kim has lived in the US since 1994 and is severely dyslexic.

He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design while living in England and created his first HTML page in 1995.

Based on his solid experience as a UX/UI Designer and Front-End Developer, Kim has specialized in Digital Accessibility services and ADA Compliance for the past 15 years, working with both large enterprises and small businesses.

We Are Fish (Coaching)

A Life and Business Coaching Community for neurodiverse entrepreneurs.

The main purpose of the coaching business is assisting neurodiverse entrepreneurs establishing their own business - while working on improving mindset such as limited beliefs, procrastination and negative social stigma.

We Are Fish (Media)

The media side of the business was initially established to support neurodiverse entrepreneurs with the technology aspects of their new business.

Today, we are a small-business-centric Web Consulting business specializing in digital accessibility services, AI video generation, and Webflow websites.

The sunflower (on a green background) is a globally recognized symbol for non-visible disabilities.

The Business Name

Albert Einstein portrait

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

This quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, inspired our unique business name.

We Are Fish is a community of like-minded neurodiverse entrepreneurs and as "fish", we may have difficulty climbing trees, but we are masterful swimmers - we just need to get back in the water!

The Logo

We Are Fish logo

The logo comprises various colored triangles forming a cohesive design (shaped as a fish), symbolizing a community of like-minded neurodiverse individuals. The logo captures the essence of a diverse yet united community, emphasizing individuality and collective strength.

Individuality and Diversity

Each triangle represents a unique element, with different colors highlighting the distinctiveness of each member of the community.

Unity and Direction

The shapes form a unified design, symbolizing how the community, though diverse, is united and moving in the same direction.

Community and Support

The fish shape symbolizes a group moving together for protection and support, reflecting the community's supportive nature.

Dynamic Movement

The arrangement suggests movement and progress, indicating a dynamic, forward-thinking community.


Varied colors and shapes convey inclusivity, valuing each individual's contribution to the community.